Everyone is kneaded out of the same dough but not baked in the same oven.

I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.

The worst wheel squeaks loudest.

The fool’s world is a paradise.

Too bad, the bride is so pretty!

The tavern can’t corrupt a good man, the synagogue can’t reform a bad one.

A word to the good is enough, but even a stick won’t help the bad.

A guest is like the rain: when he persists, he is a nuisance.

A brother turned enemy is an enemy for life.

The beautiful is not always good; the good is not always beautiful.

You don’t stumble because you are weak, but because you think yourself strong.

Even if a man sees his grave open, he must always hope.

It’s better to talk to a woman and think about God than talk to God and think about a woman.

If God lived on earth, people would knock his windows out.

In the bed of a divorced man who has a divorced wife, there are always four people.

With luck, even your ox will calve.

With money in your pocket you are wise and you are beautiful and you can sing beautifully too.

If a hunchback meets someone with a bigger hunchback in the morning, his whole day is good.

He who dances at all weddings, cries at all funerals.

If a girl can’t dance, she says the musicians can’t play.

Take staff, but do it yourself.

Man was created on the last day, even the mosquito is older.

There’s no bad liquor for a drunkard, no bad money for a dealer, and no ugly woman for a lecher.

Love is like butter; it includes bread.

Only out of curiosity should a person live.

Life is a lingering migraine in an overcrowded and noisy street.

Life is nothing more than a blister over an ulcer with a tumor underneath.

Guts sometimes impress even God.

Everyone believes at least half of slander, which no one believes anyway.

If you want your dreams to come true, don’t sleep.

Shrouds don’t have pockets.

All the brides are beautiful, all the dead are holy.

The house is on fire, but the clock keeps ticking.

If you are bitter at heart, sugar in the mouth will not help you.

You can’t dance at two weddings.

He who is clever hears one word and understands two.

Anyone who thinks that an argument is valid because it is printed is an idiot.

Attractiveness is better than beauty.

The door of success is marked “Push” and “Pull”.

Never stand at the foot of a person’s deathbed, for that place is reserved for his Guardian Angel.

Never ask questions about fairy tales.

Whoever goes to sleep without having eaten, wakes up without having slept.

The schlemiel lands on his back and bruises his nose.

One should always view himself as half innocent and half guilty.

A rich man goes hungry only on doctors orders.

One would give one’s last shirt to become a millionaire.

Ask for advice, but use common sense.

He’s meditating on whether a flea has a belly-button.

New worries make old worries forget.

Worries go down better with soup than without.

If all men were sages, mankind would soon be extinct.

The truth is the safest lie.

A young woman for an old man; a hard nut for a crumbly tooth.

A peace treaty is always co-signed by God.

Run away from fire and you get water.

A loss that can be made up for with money is only a small loss.

His nose curls with pride, because the king’s donkey has urinated right outside his door.

Anyone who believes that everything is for sale is willing to sell himself.

Lies are general food, the truth is a feast.

A deaf man heard how a mute told that a blind man has seen how a cripple walked.