Oscar Wilde

Oscar Fingal O’Flahertie Wills Wilde:

(Dublin, 16 October 1854 – Paris, 30 November 1900).

Writer, poet and aesthete of Irish descent who lived in England for much of his life.


Photo: wikipedia.org
Oscar Wilde in 1882 by Napoleon Sarony.

An acquaintance that begins with a compliment is sure to develop into a real friendship. It starts in the right manner.

Photo: bodylanguagecentral

Too many people today know the price of everything and the value of nothing.

Photo by Chris Curtner

For in art there is no such thing as a universal truth. A Truth in art is that whose contradictory is also true.

Photo by unknown

Disobedience, in the eyes of any one who has read history, is man’s original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made, through disobedience and through rebellion.

Photo by tumblr#quote

The truth is rarely pure, and never simple.

Photo by Ron Lach

Nature is a wet place where large numbers of ducks fly overhead uncooked.

Photo by evangelinar

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.

Photo by Mateus Souza

…and all at once, summer collapsed into fall.

Photo by Alicja

With freedom, books, flowers and the moon, who could not be happy?

Photo by Averie Woodard

I think it’s very healthy to spend time alone. You need to know how to be alone and not be defined by another person.

Photo by Gabriel

Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter.

Photo by Firdaus Roslan

Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.

Photo by Tamara Gak

They’ve promised that dreams can come true – but forgot to mention that nightmares are dreams, too.

Photo by Pelly Benassi

I think that generosity is the essence of friendship.

Photo by Elaine Casap

Some cause happiness wherever they go, others whenever they go.

Photo: businessam

Laughter is not at all a bad beginning for a friendship, and it is far the best ending for one.

Photo by Austin Wade

To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.

Photo by Zane Lee

Wisdom comes with winters.

Photo: s-usans

After the first glass ( of Absinthe) you see things the way you want to see them. After the second glass you see things as they are not and after the third glass you see things as they really are and that is the most horrible thing of all.

Photo: Ukasimakova

All great ideas are dangerous.

Photo: Aalejandro Tocornal

Always be a little unexpected.

Photo: Marcela

If you tell the truth, you can be sure that sooner or later you will be caught out.

Photo: jul323048

I like men who have a future and women who have a past.

Photo: PublicDomainPictures

A truth ceases to be true as soon as more than one person believes in it.

Photo: evangelinar

Just as those who do not love Plato more than truth cannot pass beyond the threshold of Academe, so those who do not love beauty more than truth never know the inmost shrine of art.

Photo by PZ Z

People are least themselves when they just act. Give them a mask and they will tell the truth.

Photo: evangelinar

Friendship is far more tragic than love. It last longer.

Photo: Zhang Kaiyv

Generosity is the essence of friendship.

Photo: GLady

A map of the world on which Utopia does not appear is not worth looking at.

Photo: StockSnap

Door Peter

Mensenmens, zoon, echtgenoot, vader, opa. Spiritueel, echter niet religieus. Ik hou van golf, wandelen, lezen en de natuur in veel opzichten. Onderzoeker, nieuwsgierig, geen fan van de mainstream media (MSM).

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