
Anytime you stir up the past and deal with civil rights a lot of people say ‘Oh, well that’s a done deal, it’s over with,’ and that couldn’t be furthest from the truth. – Jeff Woodard


  Sometimes you wake up. Sometimes the fall kills you. And sometimes, when you fall, you fly. – Neil Gaiman Don’t wait until you are breaking to take a break. – Jenn Hardy


  No, we don’t need more sleep. It’s our souls that are tired, not our bodies. We need nature. We need Magic. We need adventure. We need freedom. We need truth. We need stillness. We don’t need more sleep, we need to wake up and live. – Brooke Hampton Though you are so far advanced… Lees verder Awakening


  Bijval der menigte is nooit een getuigenis der waarheid. – Gotthold Ephraim Lessing Het is de meeste mensen minder te doen om de waarheid, dan wel om versterkt te worden in hunne opvattingen. – Willem Cornelis Capel  


  Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. – Lucius Annaeus Seneca The idea that this universe in all its million-fold order and precision is the result of blind chance, is as credible as the idea that if a print shop blew up all the type would fall down again in the finished and… Lees verder Opportunities


  The idea that this universe in all its million-fold order and precision is the result of blind chance, is as credible as the idea that if a print shop blew up all the type would fall down again in the finished and faultless form of the dictionary.  


  The idea that this universe in all its million-fold order and precision is the result of blind chance, is as credible as the idea that if a print shop blew up all the type would fall down again in the finished and faultless form of the dictionary.      – Albert Einstein  


  The idea that this universe in all its million-fold order and precision is the result of blind chance, is as credible as the idea that if a print shop blew up all the type would fall down again in the finished and faultless form of the dictionary.


  Als de student klaar is, verschijnt de leraar. Als de student werkelijk klaar is, verdwijnt de leraar. – Lao-Tse