A man’s life is primarily what he hides. – Georges Andre Malraux

The first sigh of love means the last of wisdom. – Antoine Bret

From Love, a relationship is not a filling of an emptiness, but a supplement of the Soul. – Patrick Mundus

I don’t love you because I need you, I need you because I love you.

If you meet someone whose soul does not align with yours, send them your love and move on.

A life without love is like a landscape without sun; if there are no shadows, there are no great lights. – René de Masny

We can only learn to love by loving. – Iris Murdoch

I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line. – Lucille Ball

Friendship is certainly the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed love. – Jane Austen

Love is one thing and words are something else, and only the soul knows where the two meet. – Juan Gelman

Human right
Taking away our freedom, taking away our right
Taking away that what we have, they will conquer, they will fight.
United we stand up and say No, no longer.
People will become slowly stronger,
When the see it is all a lie.
They will no longer buy, their story’s, their vision,
People will make their own decision.
To raise and to stop this war,
To fight for freedom and so much more.
People will strive, connect and will succeed,
A new earth full of love is what we need.

Love means that I care for another. It is not that I receive from another, but that I fulfill the other person.

Love, humor and patience are the wings that take you across all oceans. – John Magee

I wasn’t actually in love, but I felt a sort of tender curiosity. – F. Scott Fitzgerald

I love you not because I need you, I need you because I love you.

Maybe this seems counterintuitive,
but if you’re trying to stop loving a person in order to get over them, try loving them more.
Try loving them so much that you don’t need them to be yours.
Try loving them so much that you see the real human being instead of just idealizations and villainizations. – Veronika Tugaleva

In order to repair humanity’s broken connections across the political, social, professional, and cultural areas of life, we need to understand the network of absolute laws of love and bestowal in which we exist.

The truth of truths is love. – Philip James Bailey