Lorelai Gilmore

Lorelai Victoria Gilmore: Fictional character in The WB series Gilmore Girls. Created by Amy Sherman-Palladino and portrayed by actress Lauren Graham, she appeared in every episode of the show from 2000 to 2007. Everything looks magical when it snows.

Ingeborg Maria Sick

Ingeborg Maria Sick: (1858–1951). Danish writer and philanthropist. After devoting many years to supporting philanthropic initiatives for the poor and needy, from her forties she concentrated on writing, publishing some 30 novels as well as poetry and biographies. Fangernes Ven (Friend of the Prisones, 1921), a biography of the Swedish-Finnish philanthropist Mathilda Wrede, is among… Lees verder Ingeborg Maria Sick

Albert Speer

Berthold Konrad Hermann Albert Speer: (Mannheim, 19 March 1905 – London, 1 September 1981). German engineer-architect and urban planner. During the Nazi domination of Germany (1933-1945), he was a Reich architect from 1937 and Reich Minister for Armaments and Munitions from 1942. His friendship with Adolf Hitler and his ministry made him considered one of… Lees verder Albert Speer


Quintus Horatius Flaccus: (8 December 65 BC – 27 November 8 BC). The leading Roman lyric poet during the time of Augustus (also known as Octavian). The rhetorician Quintilian regarded his Odes as the only Latin lyrics worth reading: “He can be lofty sometimes, yet he is also full of charm and grace, versatile in… Lees verder Horace

Frits Bolkestein

Frederik (Frits) Bolkestein: (Amsterdam, 4 April 1933). Dutch former politician of the People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD). Reason and freedom seem mutually supportive, and an attack on one enables an attack on the other.

Edwin Op ’t Land

Edwin Op ‘t Land: Dutch author of positive books.   Nothing is what it appears to be, it is only what you make of it. You can’t change yesterday, but you can change the now. Openness arises when you can see and accept yourself, my or your opinion or vision as just a possibility….. Better,… Lees verder Edwin Op ’t Land

Drs. P.

Drs P. : (Thun, 24 August 1919 – Amsterdam, 13 June 2015). Pseudonym of Heinz Hermann Polzer, was a Dutch-speaking lyricist of Swiss nationality. His stage name, coined by Willem Duys, refers to the academic degree of doctorandus (abbreviated: drs.) in economics, which Polzer obtained at the Dutch School of Economics (now Erasmus University Rotterdam).… Lees verder Drs. P.

Umberto Eco

Umberto Eco: (Alessandria, 5 January 1932 – Milan, 19 February 2016). Italian writer and semiotician. He is among the best-known Italian writers of his time. A dream is a writing, and many writings are nothing but dreams.        

Amy Hempel

Amy Hempel: (geboren 14 december 1951). Amerikaanse schrijfster van korte verhalen en journaliste. Ze doceert creatief schrijven aan het Michener Center for Writers. Dreams: the place most of us get what we need.