Hendrik Wijdeveld

Hendricus Theodorus Wijdeveld: (‘s-Gravenhage, 4 October 1885 – Nijmegen, 20 February 1987). Dutch architect and graphic designer. He was married to the cellist Ellen Philippine Kohn and, in later years, to the actress Charlotte Köhler. His daughter was illustrator Ruscha Wijdeveld and his sons were Wolfgang Wijdeveld and Roland Matthijs Wijdeveld. Anything goes, except realising… Lees verder Hendrik Wijdeveld

Felix Timmermans

Leopoldus Maximilianus Felix Timmermans: (Lier, 5 July 1886 – there, 24 January 1947). Flemish writer and poet. He was one of Flanders’ most translated and prolific authors. His best-known work is the novel Pallieter (1916). He also wrote under the pseudonym Polleke van Mher and occasionally as Stelijn Koldijs. Polleke van Mher was derived from… Lees verder Felix Timmermans

Hugo Raes

Hugo Leonard Siegfried Raes: (Antwerp, 26 May 1929 – there, 23 September 2013)[1][2] was a Flemish prose writer and poet. Happiness is to be given the freedom to keep looking for it.        

Dallas Lore Sharp

Dallas Lore Sharp: (1870–1929). American author and university professor, born in the Haleyville section of Commercial Township, in Cumberland County, New Jersey. He graduated at Brown University in 1895, served as a Methodist Episcopal minister for four years, and graduated at the Boston University School of Theology in 1899. He married Grace Hastings and the… Lees verder Dallas Lore Sharp

Ruth Stout

Ruth Imogen Stout: (June 14, 1884 – August 22, 1980). American author best known for her “No-Work” gardening books and techniques. On those brilliant and, at the same time, mellow days which we get once in a while in February, when the sun is so warm that it seems to ignore your clothes and touch… Lees verder Ruth Stout

Rainer Maria Rilke

Rainer Maria Rilke: (Prague, 4 December 1875 – Montreux, 29 December 1926). One of the most important lyric poets in the German language. He also wrote stories, a novel, essays on art and culture, as well as numerous translations, including from French into German, of literary works and lyricism. His extensive correspondence forms an important… Lees verder Rainer Maria Rilke

Alexander von Humboldt

Friedrich Heinrich Alexander Freiherr von Humboldt: (Berlin, 14 September 1769 – there, 6 May 1859). Prussian naturalist and explorer. Humboldt conducted research in Central and South America and gave a detailed description of the physical universe. He was the younger brother of Wilhelm von Humboldt. According to British naturalist Charles Darwin (1809-1882), Humboldt was the… Lees verder Alexander von Humboldt

George Harrison

George Harrison: (Liverpool, 25 February 1943 – Los Angeles, 29 November 2001) . British musician and guitarist of the pop group The Beatles. He was part of the group almost from the beginning and was known as the ‘Silent Beatle’. It’s being here now that’s important. There’s no past and there’s no future. Time is… Lees verder George Harrison

Wendel Berry

Wendell Erdman Berry: (born August 5, 1934). American novelist, poet, essayist, environmental activist, cultural critic, and farmer. Closely identified with rural Kentucky, Berry developed many of his agrarian themes in the early essays of The Gift of Good Land (1981) and The Unsettling of America (1977). His attention to the culture and economy of rural… Lees verder Wendel Berry