Alexander Pola

Alexander Pola: Artist name of Abraham Polak. (Haarlem, 27 June 1914 – Amsterdam, 12 October 1992). Dutch actor, lyricist and comedian.   If everyone made it to the top, the valley would become a boring place.

Anne Rice

Anne Rice: Born as Howard Allen O’Brien. (New Orleans (Louisiana), 4 October 1941 – Rancho Mirage (California), 11 December 2021). American writer. She wrote gothic novels, Christian books and erotic literature, and was the author of several popular book series. Among her works are The Vampire Chronicles and The Lives of the Mayfair Witches. The… Lees verder Anne Rice

Sri Aurobindo

Aurobindo Ghose: (Calcutta, 15 August 1872 – Puducherry, 5 December 1950). Indian nationalist and freedom fighter, yogi, guru, Hindu mystic, philosopher and poet. He was one of India’s leading independence fighters. He was the founder of integral yoga. Mirra Alfassa, his French companion who later organised the ashram he founded as ‘Mother’, founded the Auroville… Lees verder Sri Aurobindo

Maksim Gorki

Maksim Gorki: Pseudonym of Aleksey Maximovich Peshkov. (Nizhny Novgorod, 28 March [O.T.: 16 March] 1868 – Moscow, 18 June 1936). Russian novelist and playwright. The pseudonym stands for: the Greatest Bitter. Lies are the religion of slaves and masters. Truth is the god of the free man.

Bill Hicks

William Melvin Hicks: (December 16, 1961 – February 26, 1994). American stand-up comedian and satirist. His material—encompassing a wide range of social issues including religion, politics, and philosophy—was controversial and often steeped in dark comedy. The Freedom: All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. We’re all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There’s… Lees verder Bill Hicks

Gerard Reve

Gerard Kornelis van het Reve: (Amsterdam, 14 December 1923 – Zulte, East Flanders, 8 April 2006). Gerard Kornelis van het Reve, was a Dutch writer and poet. His best-known works are De avonden (novel, 1947), Werther Nieland (novella, 1949), Op weg naar het einde (epistolary prose, 1963) and Nader tot U (prose, 1966). Together with… Lees verder Gerard Reve

Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

Georg Christoph Lichtenberg: (Ober-Ramstadt near Darmstadt, 1 July 1742 – Göttingen, 24 February 1799). German writer, satirist and the first German professor of experimental physics. Like Voltaire, he showed a great admiration for England. The highest degree of political freedom is directly related to despotism. What makes true friendship, and even more so the happy… Lees verder Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

Wilhelm Busch

Heinrich Christian Wilhelm Busch: (Wiedensahl, in present-day Samtgemeinde Niedernwöhren, 15 April 1832 – Mechtshausen, municipality of Seesen, 9 January 1908). German poet, cartoonist and illustrator. His best-known creations are Max und Moritz (1865) and Die fromme Helene (1872). Tolerance is good, but not towards the intolerant. Envy is the sincerest form of recognition. The hedgehog… Lees verder Wilhelm Busch

Leonard H. Courtney

Leonard Henry Courtney: 1st Baron Courtney of Penwith. (6 July 1832 – 11 May 1918). Radical British politician, and an academic, who became famous after being advocate of proportional representation in Parliament and acting as an opponent of imperialism and militarism. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Let the eye of vigilance never be… Lees verder Leonard H. Courtney

Nitin Namdeo

Nitin Namdeo: Indian instagram blogger and founder of a blog dedicated to spreading positivity. I love places where there are crowds of trees.