Roger Scruton

Sir Roger Vernon Scruton: (27 February 1944 – 12 January 2020). English philosopher, writer, and social critic who specialised in aesthetics and political philosophy, particularly in the furtherance of conservative views. Editor from 1982 to 2001 of The Salisbury Review, a conservative political journal, Scruton wrote over 50 books on philosophy, art, music, politics, literature,… Lees verder Roger Scruton

Frank Gehry

Frank Owen Gehry: Born as Frank Owen Goldberg. (Toronto, 28 February 1929). Canadian-American architect. Architecture should speak of its time and place, but yearn for timelessness.

Winifred Holtby

Winifred Holtby: (23 June 1898 – 29 September 1935). English novelist and journalist, now best known for her novel South Riding, which was posthumously published in 1936. The things that one most wants to do are the things that are probably most worth doing.

Yogi Berra

Lawrence Peter “Yogi” Berra: (born Lorenzo Pietro Berra; May 12, 1925 – September 22, 2015). American professional baseball catcher who later took on the roles of manager and coach. He played 19 seasons in Major League Baseball (MLB) (1946–1963, 1965), all but the last for the New York Yankees. He was an 18-time All-Star and… Lees verder Yogi Berra

Edith Sitwell

Dame Edith Louisa Sitwell: (7 September 1887 – 9 December 1964). British poet and critic and the eldest of the three literary Sitwells. She reacted badly to her eccentric, unloving parents and lived much of her life with her governess. She never married but became passionately attached to Russian painter Pavel Tchelitchew, and her home… Lees verder Edith Sitwell

Kazuaki Tanahashi

Kazuaki Tanahashi: (October 4, 1933). Accomplished Japanese calligrapher, Zen teacher, author and translator of Buddhist texts from Japanese and Chinese to English, most notably works by Dogen (he began his translation of Shobogenzo in his twenties). He first met Shunryu Suzuki in 1964, and upon reading Suzuki’s book Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind he stated, “I… Lees verder Kazuaki Tanahashi

Gustave le Bon

Gustave Le Bon: (Nogent-le-Rotrou, 7 May 1841 – Paris, 15 December 1931). French sociologist, mass psychologist and psychologist. He studied to be a doctor and practised that profession for many years. He also published books and articles. Friendship is more often a way out than a way in for love.

Thomas van Aquino

Thomas Aquinas: Aquinas or Thomas Aquinas. (Roccasecca, ± 1225 – Priverno, Fossanova Abbey, 7 March 1274). Italian philosopher and theologian, counted among the scholastics. He is the most influential systematic thinker in theological and philosophical fields of the Middle Ages. His works remained highly regarded in the Catholic Church for centuries.        

Gustav Mahler

Gustav Mahler: (Kalischt, 7 July 1860 – Vienna, 18 May 1911) was a Bohemian-born and raised Austrian composer and conductor of Jewish descent. Mahler was considered one of the most important conductors of his time. He was active at the opera houses of Budapest and Hamburg, among others, and at the court opera in Vienna.… Lees verder Gustav Mahler