
    A man’s life is primarily what he hides. – Georges Andre Malraux The first sigh of love means the last of wisdom. – Antoine Bret From Love, a relationship is not a filling of an emptiness, but a supplement of the Soul. – Patrick Mundus I don’t love you because I need you,… Lees verder Love


  There is nothing in all the world greater than freedom. It is worth paying for; it is worth losing a job for; it is worth going to jail for. I would rather be a free pauper than a rich slave. I would rather die in abject poverty with my convictions than live in inordinate… Lees verder Freedom


  If you eat, eat. If you read, then read. Do what you do. – Seung San It is not the truth that makes man great, but man who makes the truth great. – Confucius Sometimes you face difficulties not because you’re doing something wrong, but because you’re doing something right. Joel Osteen Anytime you… Lees verder Vigor


  We kunnen alleen leren liefhebben door lief te hebben. – Iris Murdoch Je kunt voor geld een hele mooie hond kopen, maar niet het kwispelen van zijn staart. – J. Billings Vriendschap is zeker de beste balsem voor de pijnen van teleurgestelde liefde. – Jane Austen Als we liefde net zo snel zouden kunnen… Lees verder Liefde