Gerardus Johannes Petrus Josephus (Gerard) Bolland:
(Groningen, 9 June 1854 – Leiden, 11 February 1922).
Dutch self-taught philosopher and linguist.
Bolland was born in Groningen and came from a simple Catholic family. After attaining self-taught employment as a teacher in Katwijk aan Zee and then as a teacher of English and German in Batavia, Bolland successfully applied for the vacant position of professor of philosophy at Leiden University in 1896. In this position, he was responsible for the revival of Hegelianism around 1900 in the Netherlands, giving the most popular lectures at the time. Bolland can also be considered a founder of the fascist movement in the Netherlands. In his last academic lesson De tekenen des tijd (1921), he argued vehemently against democracy (the ‘rabble government’, p. 12), against Judaism, against the ‘godless working class that has come to rule’ (p. 9), against democratic education: ‘the liberally intended, but democratically developed, that is degenerate, people’s school’ (p. 34), against women’s emancipation.

Dreaming is a living through sensations and soul images, without thinking.