Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent Willem van Gogh:

(Zundert, 30 March 1853 – Auvers-sur-Oise, 29 July 1890) Dutch painter. His work falls under Post-Impressionism, an art movement that succeeded nineteenth-century Impressionism.


If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.

Photo by s-usans-blog

I wish they would take me as I am.

Photo Vincent van Gogh 1872 –

There is nothing more truly artistic than to love people.

Photo by Europeana

Seeing the stars always makes me dream, just like the black dots on a map, representing cities and towns. Why, I wonder, are those bright dots in the sky not as accessible as the black dots on the map of France?

Photo by Kenny Eliason

Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.

Photo by Redd F

I don’t know anything with certainty, but seeing the stars makes me dream.

Photo by Klemen Vrankar

A great fire burns within me, but no one stops to warm themselves at it, and passers-by only see a wisp of smoke.

Photo by Nguyen Duc Khoi

I dream my painting and I paint my dream.

Photo by Alina Grubnyak

If you hear a voice within you say “you cannot paint”, then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.

Photo: evangelinar

Rembrandt is so deeply mysterious that he says things for which there are no words in any language.

Photo: Rembrandt self-portrait- evangelinar

Good friends are real life treasures. Sometimes they know us better than we know ourselves. With gentle honesty, they are there to guide and support us, to share our laughter and our tears. Their presence reminds us that we are never really alone.

Photo: subtleclassy


Door Peter

Mensenmens, zoon, echtgenoot, vader, opa. Spiritueel, echter niet religieus. Ik hou van golf, wandelen, lezen en de natuur in veel opzichten. Onderzoeker, nieuwsgierig, geen fan van de mainstream media (MSM).

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