Charles Dickens

Of all the months of the year, there is not a month one half so welcome to the young, or so full of happy associations, as the last month of the year.

Photo by 822640

The whole difference between construction and creation is exactly this: that a thing constructed can only beloved after it is constructed; but a thing created is loved before it exists.

Photo by

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

Photo by Joel de Vriend. Meaning: Sometimes a period can embrace good and not so good moments, for example materially prosperous but mentally disastrous.

My advice is, never do to-morrow what you can to-day. Procrastination is the thief of time. Collar him.

Photo by Tamara Gore

How much great minds have suffered for the truth in every age and time.

Photo by Brian James

It is a melancholy truth that even great men have their poor relations.

Photo by Lulian M.

It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.

Photo by Annie Spratt

Door Peter

Mensenmens, zoon, echtgenoot, vader, opa. Spiritueel, echter niet religieus. Ik hou van golf, wandelen, lezen en de natuur in veel opzichten. Onderzoeker, nieuwsgierig, geen fan van de mainstream media (MSM).

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