My name is Marije Berkelaar, I am from the Netherlands. 6 months before COVID, my life changed drastically. In the clinic where I worked as a GP, I felt increasingly nauseous when prescribing pharmaceutical medication.
I went VIRAL on facebook as the first pharmaceutical-free GP in the Netherlands.

Welcome to the first day of your future life.

Every moment of every day I choose to think, speak and act from a place of love.

I may put myself first….

Breathe in confidence. Exhale doubt

If you are not yourself, who you are, then who are you?

What you believe is your truth.

I allow myself to let go of blame, shame, guilt and fear.

Love is all there is, and so it is.

If you can see it, you can be it.

Be true to your deepest truth, not to what others expect of you.

Truth? That’s a matter of perspective.