
Hold on to every sincere person you meet. This generation has driven people by ego, money and status. As a result, good souls are being ruined daily. Keep your head up and be aware of the energy you are giving off and connecting with.


The Prison: Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV. And you think you’re so clever and classless and free. But you are still fucking peasants as far as i can see.


  La política no tiene relación con la moral. – Nicolás Maquiavelo La libertà… è la possibilità di dubitare, la possibilità di sbagliare, la possiblità di cercare, di esperimentare, di dire no a una qualsiasi autorità, letteraria, artistica, filosofica, religiosa, sociale, e anche politica. – Ignazio Silone


Wisdom is accessible to those who overcome their greatest fears. – Hans Peter Roel Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it. – Helen Keller


  Wijsheid is toegankelijk voor wie zijn grootste angsten weet te overwinnen. – Hans Peter Roel Hij die je boos maakt, overwint je. – Elizabeth Kenny Hoewel de wereld vol lijden is, is ze ook vol van het overwinnen ervan. – Helen Keller Je kunt beter jezelf overwinnen dan duizend vijanden. – Japanse wijsheid


  A fin de reunir gente, los gobiernos necesitan enemigos. Quieren que tengamos miedo, así que nos uniremos detrás de ellos. Y si no tienen un enemigo real, lo inventarán para movilizarnos. – Thích Nhất Hạnh